SARIT Scholarship
What would you do as the Prime Minister of Canada?
A national awards competition open to students studying at Canadian Universities
Next round of submissions will be begin soon. Stay tuned.
We Want Your Ideas!
Looking for the best and most innovative solutions
The SARIT Scholarship Program is a national awards competition open to students studying at Canadian universities.
The program is looking for the best and most innovative solutions on how we can improve the economy while also improving the environment.
The students with the best ideas will receive prizes that include electric vehicles and internships at one of the world’s leading electric mobility companies.
Frank Stronach
Founder, SARIT Scholarship Program

Why We Need to Change
It’s Your Future – What Are You Going To Do About It?
One of the biggest problems we face today is the environmental damage caused by large automobiles
Traffic congestion.
Rapidly depleting non-renewable natural resources.
Increased air pollution and production of greenhouse gasses.
Accelerating climate change.
Clearly, this 20th century transportation model is no longer sustainable.
SARIT: Leading the Micro-Mobility Revolution
We need to change. There is a better way!
The SARIT is the beginning of a new movement that we are calling the Micro-Mobility Revolution! “Micro-Mobility” refers to a new class of small electric vehicle that are small in size, yet big in capability and flexibility – able to go places and do things that standard vehicles cannot, all while producing zero emissions. SARIT could dramatically reduce traffic congestion, cut the amount of time it takes to travel to and from work, and improve air quality. Welcome to the future of urban automotive transportation!